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Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Traditional ceremony of Pregnancy to Death

Traditional ceremony of Pregnancy to Death

Traditional ceremonies have a series of ceremonies to be done, namely:

1. Early Pregnancy

During this pregnancy in the community generally implemented only Ngliman Tradition Ceremony (5-month pregnancy) and Mitoni (7-month pregnant). Actually there is another tradition, the people there are signs - signs of pregnancy with the features - features are not menstruating, like eating sour - sour and spicy, raw - raw, and others - others. Should drink herbal or nyup - nyup chili Puyang, bath shampoo, cut nails, sisig (blacken teeth) that have a purpose always in a state of purity. Because the Java community's understanding of pregnancy is always keeping the fetus at birth is always doing good, should not be mocking people, more - more people with disabilities, not kill living beings and so forth. In order for the baby physically and spiritually healthy as well as a child that would benefit parents, religion, and society.

2. Period Birth

At the time of birth there are several stages:

a. Cut ari - ari (placenta) is traditionally used the knife welat made from bamboo wulung (black color) with all the trimmings. Ari - ari included in the pot that accompanied all Ubo rampe (completeness) it is understood as a younger brother for the baby. In the Java community before the baby is born first "crater" (tangible biological fluids to facilitate the birth process) is understood as the older brother of the baby.

After the baby is cleaned / washed and in adzankan and iqomati:

b. With naming ceremony brokohan

c. Sepasaran (five days) because of a traditional Javanese market knows there are five: pounds, wage, kliwon, Legi, Pahing

d. Bellows (loss ari - ari from navel baby)

e. Selapanan (35 days) in a Javanese traditional 7-day and 5 put together between the market if the market today and will meet the market these days and every 35 days at a time

For example: today is Monday Pon 35 days to eat a day Monday Pon

During the period of birth (35 days) relatives and neighbors every afternoon / evening kidungan or tirakatan with compliments mocopat spell - a spell to enable the child & mother survived physical and spiritual

3. Masa Kanak - Kanak

In their childhood - a child there are several stages:

a Tedak Sinten (falling dirt) adalaha ceremony will be trained in the tradition of children down to the ground about - about the age of 7 months

b Birthdays (tingalan) is held after 1-year olds according to the day, market, and the date

c Nyapih, ceremonial tradition nyapih (children are not fed by his mother) children aged 15 to 16 months (male - male) and 18 to 19 months (women). This is not recommended because doctors today still generate ation mother that the baby must be spent.

4. Early Adolescent and Adult

a. For the boy - boys circumcised at the age of about 15 years

b. Tarapan (traditional ceremony for the daughter's first menstruation

c. Pangur, for men - men who have been circumcised, and women who have first menstruation is considered an adult, then the traditional ceremony held pangur (flattened teeth). It is now considered to damage the tooth enamel, so many that do not perform

5. Early Marriage

We present a Java Traditional Wedding Ceremony Yogyakarta Style

a. Dom Sumuruping Banyu

In the Java community has thought lavatory-law (holding marriage) means adding a new family and anggaota candidate who became the companion of life (for men) as well as assisting people to live (for women) really - really really notice the weight (position), seed (offspring) and bebet (genealogy) as a candidate in-law investigated the behavior of identity and attitudes. For this purpose use a sabagi functioning Sumuruping investigator or Dom Banyu. And now this is rarely done because the two families freer to always know.

b. Nontoni

If already know the background of each individual - individual families. Family guy - he visited the kleuarga women to men - he knew the girl's face, the woman's parents told the woman to serve meals, so when the marriage took place match.

c. Application

If the two sides match each other (on stage Dom Sumuruping Banyu) agreed to match. Proposal made by a family man - man to the woman's family by sending someone who accompanied the group

d. Submitting Answers

This stage is usually directly at the time of application, but in the early days there was a separate time for it

e. Peningset

Ceremony Peningset is an object of male bride's parents - the old man to the bride, which means that existing bonds rembug (talk) the two sides engaged each other. Objects - objects to peningset usually sets of clothes a woman (long cloth, kebayak materials, cloth chest / strapless, belts, scarves, slippers, etc.), jewelry (rings, gelag, necklaces, earrings), and the money is commonly called tukon.

f. Determination of Marriage Day

Both sides consulted to determine the day, date, month, year of marriage. Basic decision-time was taken from the book horoscope for marriage run smoothly and safely and the bride will be a prosperous life. For example the day which is not used today and the death of the old market of the family.

g. Established Tarub

Tarub of Taru said means plants or Tarub means Payon / roof. Established Tarub is given a place that made the roof of the awning (gebang leaf) or from coconut leaves (bleketepe) for people - people who njagong (attending the event).

Ak's house decorated with young coconut leaf used wedding (coconut leaves are still young) lidinya removed, so as vine (roots) is living banyan sempulur (sustainable), meolak bala color yellow as the nobility.

Tuwuhan installed right - left of the entrance like a purple sugar cane, banyan leaf, manggala patra leaves, and a slender ivory palm (bunches) a bunch of Java rice. Meaning tetuwuhan are symbols of prosperity and hope the bride will soon Tuwuh or have offspring.

In order to establish safety banquet held Tarub and making offerings waste (in the eyes of IAR ditaurh where families take the water, on the corner - the corner of the hamlet, crossroads and in homes (senthong, entrance, kitchen, etc.)

h. Srah - Srahan

Ceremony prospective groom to the bride's family 2 or 3 days before D-day wedding

i. Spray

One day before the bridegroom and women bathed by using traditional manner with all the all the tools and equipment intended to be pure, clean, and bright.

j. Whittling

After a bath in the dressing of the bride with scraped (served a little hair) and a bun

k. Midodarani

Midodareni night event held tradition in the evening the bride makeup to be beautiful and the event was held at the home of the bride. Tonight welcoming angel - the angel of participating Khayangan penatin makeup woman. Midodarani offerings are tasty rice and side dishes.

l. Ceremony Ijab / Marriage

After the morning ceremony held idodareni both religious marriages and customary. In the consent, for the Islamic religion can come to the preacher or bring penghulu. The right to marry (marriage vows) guardian / parents of the bride, but in general for help peghulu / naib, for nanting (ask for sincerity) of the bride. After a solid marriage to husband dilaksnakan 'consent Kabul "and accompanied by prayer - prayer by naib.

After selsai process "ngabekten 'the groom kissed his knees and held in-law to the other elders (ngabekten is usually held on panggih)

m. Events Merias Bride

Both the bride after the consent granted to deal with makeup keudian panggih ceremony. In today's consent is usually granted when a bride has made up so that it directly to the event panggih.

n. Panggihing Bride

After completion of the dressing and then pegantin reunited dibusanani / panggih. The following sequence - the order.

1). Bride - he came to the house of the bride / 2-in-law in the escort male escort and entourage. In front of his own walking their 2 women - each carrying a tray of 1 sanggan lampah demand ransom sanggan bride and bridal the same contents, respectively - consist masng:

Plantain § 1 tangkep, betel full ayu gambier, injet, jambe, and tobacco

§ Telon flowers (mlathi, kanthil, memories)

§ Artificial

§ equipment Weaving (lattice)

Lawe i § ukel the casement on banana

§ uneasy sudul sky

§ And others

2). While waiting for the bride's home and party in-law, then the group 2 bananas give this sanggan

3). Groom stand facing each other with the bride in front of meeting room / pendapa

4). Ceremony cangkem - Balangan (sadakan), both the bride throwing gantal (sadahan chew of betel) women men 3 x 4 x, it is the core of the ceremony panggih

o. The ceremony over adhesive feet

Jomngkok bride before the wedding he washed his feet with a combined Setaman sign surrender of the bride to her husband.

P. Holding hands

When finished washing the feet of both families stood in line, right groom and bride on the left and kanthen asta (holding hands) with the respective - respective little fingers, this interlocking is expected panigara yan means perfect happiness

q. Egg Breaking Ceremony

Penganthi bride (cosmetic) take the chicken eggs that were placed in water in developing Setaman PENGARON (urn) tapped on the forehead of the bride, then cosmetic slammed into the ground meant the egg was broken bride bachelor status and virginity.

r. Ceremony Mancik

Standing above the assembled pair oxen. Both were told to stand above the bridal couple as a symbol of the ox assembled together in a responsible married life

s. Ceremony Seating Bersanding

Tempo was the ceremony the couple had mancik into the hall to sit in front of senthong / pedaringan, if present in the building with decoration decoration (RONO) senthong depiction of senthong middle and right - left and sit on a chair

20. Ceremony Dhahar Walimahan

Dhahar / eat rice kalimah / walimahan (yellow rice and chicken dishes Pindang etc.). The two feed each other brides. This means the couple loved each other and loving.

21. Rich Tampa Ceremony

Rich Tampa ceremony also called Kacar - Kucur. The bride received "for the rich" or the income from the bride men - men. Tangible peanut, soybean, rice, corn, botor, gudhe, grain, metal coins, and calico. Wedding reception lkai way - and the men sit on the bride sitting cross-legged beneath. With a handkerchief mempergunaka should not be scattered. Makeup artist by saying "True Amber Kyai rich datheng badhe Nyai merengake Amber Real" Peanut kawak, dhele kawak, corn kawak - dadi wong liya relatives - wong Aduh dadia cedhak - Nastiti, ngati ati, werdi, dadi.

If both families now sit one chair kemudia given to the mother of the bride.

Mean Ceremony Tampa Wordpress Rich means all forms of household responsibilities on the shoulders of the Java man - man, it being the responsibility of providing income to his wife. As the wife of a good management of the household (setiti Nati - ati, not wasteful)

22. Ceremony Edge

Bride to her husband declared his devotion to the "ngabekti" or "end", but rarely performed today. In today ngabekti implemented to both parties parents wedding, starting from the bride's parents at the time in the keris sungkem bride wore men - men must be removed first.

23. Ceremony Pangkon

Tempo was still much Pangkon ceremony performed after the ceremony Rich Tampa. Procedures that are: bride's father in front of the living room (pedaringan) and the bride in her lap (sitting above the thigh). Bride - he sat diseblah right and the bride sits on the left. The bride's mother asked "Where pakne weight, boys - male or female child / Abot pakne pot, kids kids napa lanang wadon (ngoko)" The answer: At abote / equal weight. In today rarely do.

24. Events Sit Bersanding

Both the bride sat biting again until the entire wedding ceremony is complete. At the time the second seat alongside, the bride dressed in the clothes to the clothing style basahan no min

25. Receive Handshake

After all acaa finished, the couple stood in front of the seat or in front of the door accompanied by their parents - each receiving a handshake

6. Early Death

a. Surtanah

b. Nelung dina

c. Mitung dina

d. Mature twenty

e. Nyatus

f. Pendak pisan

g. Pendak pindho

h. Nyewu

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